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December 2022

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morning practice

  • Morning practice38
    Morning practice is how I begin each day. It is a way to bridge my night dreaming, fresh morning energy and outlook to the rest of my day. It is both journaling and pure play with my favorite "signature" things as well as elements that have caught my interest and/or speak to me. It has become an important hub around which my creativity turns and a potent creative tool. Morning practice is optimally a daily practice (like yoga) of creating a meditative environment - an oasis of peace, clarity and intention... sinking (relaxing) into the sensual moment and the timelessness of play resulting in a mandala-like assemblage that can be documented...
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Member since 12/2006

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January 24, 2011


Ghost Ranch - April, 2018
Ghost Ranch 2017
Mapping Interior Geography - Fibre Arts Australia

shop eb...

  • Blue Medicine
    To enter shopeb please click on an image, for more info you can email me at [email protected] shop eb and enjoy deLIGHTful things gathered and made with love here in the Champlain Valley...

eb immersion, lake house workshops...

  • Workshop1
    Come enjoy the bird song, the gliding ferry and sailboats while creating magic on the shores of Lake Champlain. Using the four elements of earth, air, fire and water; we will learn a variety of techniques with which to collaborate with natural processes. We will make marks, imprints and patterns with tea, rust, leaves, seeds and blossoms on fabric and paper. We will wander the beach and gather drift wood, stripeys and holy stones with which to embellish our creations. In this workshop we will explore mark making on fabric and paper using tea, rust, eucalyptus, indigo and asemic writing. As we dance across the color wheel I will share my techniques and thoughts about the potency of deep play and meditative creativity. Bring your boundless curiosity, a playful spirit and a beginner's mind - we will adventurously explore new frontiers.