Today was collection day,
that is to say I collected
and played with
a few of my collections.
One of the things I did not collect
a few odd decades ago were girl scout badges.
I earned only one badge - yep - that's right...
the collector badge.
Oy! - surely I had THE best
piggy bank collection in Trendwood...
alas - this collection did not result in the good habit
of saving money.
However, it did instill and foster
the collecting habit:
beach glass,
bird's nests,
herkimer diamonds,
dog biscuits
Luna refuses to eat,
ginger jar parts,
chandelier crystal,
fortunes - yogi tea
and otherwise,
volcanic spewings,
street names,
shells, buttons,
this, that,
and more...
what do you collect?
xox - eb.