Friday evening
for pink reflections
and listened
to the song of the loons
and the next day...
breakfast was radiant
for our class
and lovely miss Alex
various grounds
of color
and then
after the fabulous Art Fair
and then
Sunday morning
an angel
playing piano jazz
and a lean mean boogie woogie...
Rockywold/Deephaven is FULL of angels
thank you:
Becky, John, Zach, Tom, Annie,
and so many others...
and so
cloud gazing
our explorations
of paradise
take us home
to our truest selves...
xox - eb.
* this is just a sampling of my glorious 2nd visit to Squam
many many thanks to Elizabeth for organizing cloud 9 perfection!
I will be returning in Sept. to teach - so excited about that...
go here and here and here for more postcards and I hope to see YOU in Sept.